Financial Planning for Families with Special Needs

No family should have to choose between financial stability and the needs of their loved ones.

Financial planning for families with special needs differs vastly from traditional financial planning. It is essential to work with someone who understands.

TFS Advisors are experts in inclusive financial planning.

Our very own Aaron Terwedo has children with special needs and knows that families can often feel lost and alone in the vast landscape of government resources and support for families with special needs.

But this isn’t true!

Having a solid financial plan can help relieve stress so you can focus on the well-being of your loved ones.

We Are Special Needs Financial Advisors And We Help Families With:

Getting Started

Financial planning is likely one of the last things that comes to mind when caring for loved ones with special needs. We’re here to guide you through this critical process.

Aligning Your Financial Plan with Government Benefits

Families can unintentionally disqualify their loved ones from the benefits they deserve by not planning correctly. We can help you avoid that.

Long-Term Planning

Many families are concerned about what happens to their loved ones with special needs after they’re gone. We can help you plan for this.

Emotional & Personal Support

The path of financial planning for families with special needs can be overwhelming. Support, services, and financial assistance are available to you, and we’re here to help you find it.

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